Intellectual Freedom Subcommittee

The 2016/2017 year was a very busy and productive year for the Intellectual Freedom Subcommittee. The group actively supported several member libraries through requests for guidance on issues regarding meeting room use, program challenges, and free speech. Because of an increase in inquiries regarding Political Speech/Campaigning in Public Libraries, the Subcommittee requested clarification in the form of a position paper from NJLA attorney Frank Corrado. This was then adopted by the Executive Board.

The Subcommittee encouraged NJLA to become one of the first State Library Associations to take the Digital Privacy Pledge. Throughout the year many member libraries also recognized the importance of digital privacy and signed the pledge to indicate their commitment to the issue. 

The subcommittee rigorously monitored both State and Federal Legislation and made recommendations to the Public Policy about legislation to support or challenge. On the state level, the subcommittee supported the following legislation: 

A1272 Student Digital Privacy and Parental Rights Act.
S2506 Concerns speech rights of student journalists at public schools and public institutions of higher education.
A2114 Requires police to obtain a warrant to seize cell phone data.

IF Supported A1861-Enacts the "Reader Privacy Act."  provided changes are made to strengthen privacy protections. 
Pat Tumulty provided a statement explaining the committee's concerns and proposed revisions. 

On a Federal Level, The IF Committee received notifications and legislative alerts from the ALA Intellectual Freedom Office. The committee then shared these updates with NJLA. This role is likely to become increasingly important under the Trump administration, with first amendment issues and net neutrality in jeopardy. The committee encouraged NJLA members to advocate against the repeal of broadband privacy rights and engage in the fight for net neutrality by sending letters to the FCC and Congress and posting on social media as part of the July 12 internet wide protest movement.

For many of our members, the highlight of the year came at the NJLA Honors and Awards reception where we presented the Intellectual Freedom Award to Aubrey Gerhardt, director of the Otto Bruyns Public Library of Northfield. 

The subcommittee provided professional development opportunities by offering programs at the NJLA conference, and participating in the Public Policy Forum and the NJLA Emerging Leaders program. 

Goals for Next Year: 
The subcommittee aims to foster new membership and encourage interest in the committee and Intellectual Freedom Issues. It will also be essential to continue to work closely with the Emerging Technology Committee to promote engagement and advocacy about key issues like digital privacy and net neutrality.
Reporting Year: 