Intellectual Freedom Subcommittee
- To review, analyze and study matters relating to intellectual freedom.
- To educate members and disseminate information relating to matters of intellectual freedom.
- To provide information and assistance to members on matters relating to intellectual freedom.
- To develop statements which explain current intellectual freedom issues and their implications for libraries, to be adopted by the Executive Board.
- To provide prompt information if needed in an emergency.
- In an emergency, the Subcommittee may act on legislation without the formal approval of the Executive Board, but with consent of the President and the Chair of the Public Policy Committee.
- NJLA Materials Challenge Form(link is external)
- NJLA Intellectual Freedom Health Screening [pdf]
- ALA Privacy Toolkit(link is external)
- ALA Libraries and the Internet Toolkit(link is external)
- ALA Intellectual Freedom Blog(link is external)
- ALA Intellectual Freedom Statements and Guidelines(link is external)