CSS Leadership

Jenise Sileo, President
Parsippany-Troy Hills Public Library

Rachael Trotter, Vice President
Verona Public Library

Teresa Carlton, Secretary
Margaret Dombrosky Swedesboro Public Library



Ryan Oxild, Immediate Past President
West Caldwell Public Library


Position duties are as described below. Elections are held annually and will be announced via the CSS listserv.


It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings; to appoint and dissolve committees as necessary; to represent the Section at a minimum of one required NJLA Executive Board meetings per term and when appropriate; attend NJLA Committee meetings when invited; to appoint liaisons from CSS to NJLA committees when appropriate; and to perform all other duties pertaining to the office.

Term of office: One year as President, one year as Past President

First Vice-President/President-Elect
The first vice-president/president-elect shall act as program chair for the Section; shall perform the duties of the president in the president's absence; and shall represent the Section at NJLA Conference Committee meetings.

Term of office: 1st year as Vice-President, 2nd year as President, and 3rd year as Past President

(There must be a minimum of two candidates running for this position. The winner of the most votes is elected to this position.  The candidate with the next highest number of votes becomes the 2nd Vice President.)
Second Vice-President (Nominated by running for First Vice-President/President Elect)
The second vice-president will be an official liaison between the CSS Board and the NJLA Executive Board, and ensure that a CSS Board member attends all NJLA Executive Board meetings or obtains a summary report to present at each CSS Executive Board meeting. This member will work with the liaison to the CSS section appointed by the NJLA Executive Board to supply reports to the CSS Board and assist the First Vice-President in planning conference programs. The second vice-president also manages the CSS social media presence. 

Term of office: One year.

(The candidate with the next highest number of votes for First Vice-President/President-Elect becomes the 2nd Vice President.)
The secretary/treasurer shall keep the minutes of all meetings; shall give notice of all meetings, programs and Section updates, and the secretary/treasurer shall keep accurate financial records; shall submit bills and receipts to the NJLA treasurer; shall prepare reports for CSS Executive Board; and shall act as a liaison to the NJLA treasurer with regard to Section financial matters.

Term of office: Two years.
Members-at-large must attend a minimum of four CSS board meetings per year; shall participate in the decisions of the Board; in the first year they shall act as official liaisons to the NJLA Public Policy Committee; in the second year they shall be responsible for the nomination of the CSS Executive Board candidates. 

Term of office: Two years.

The past-president will serve as an advisor to the CSS Executive Board in order to assure continuity of purpose.

Term of office: One year.