Intellectual Freedom

Annual Report

The 2016/2017 year was a very busy and productive year for the Intellectual Freedom Subcommittee. The group actively supported several member libraries through requests for guidance on issues regarding meeting room use, program challenges, and free speech. Because of an increase in inquiries regarding Political Speech/Campaigning in Public Libraries, the Subcommittee requested clarification in the form of a position paper from NJLA attorney Frank Corrado.

2015/2016 Intellectual Freedom Subcommittee Annual Report

One of our biggest accomplishment's this year was to outline IFC Strategic Plan. We met most of our short-term goals, including improve meeting attendance, having more practical programming, and formalizing how IFC handles IF challenges. 

We were also proud to roll out the NJLA Challenge Reporting Form on the NJLA website and promote it on a number of forums.


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