
Summary of Investment Committee Subcommittee Work for 2022-2023 Session

Please refer to the Committee Resources Section of this website for the 2022-2023 work product of the Investment Subcommittee that resulted from meetings and discussions.

Memo to Executive Board dated 2/16/2023 regarding Recommendations for Investing Dag Bulman Bequest Funding for Mini-Grant Uses

Memo to Executive Board recommending the $75,000 portion of the Dag Bulman Bequest (allocated for mini-grant use) be invested a money market fund ($22,500) and a 3 year annuity ($52,500).

Memo to Executive Board dated 1/10/2023 regarding Investment Subcommittee Meeting with Investment Advisor

Memo on meeting with NJLA Investment Advisor which covered the following:

* Annual review of investments concerning the NJLA endowment, scholarship, and unrestricted funds.

* Recommendations on investing the Dag Bulman Bequest funds regarding its endowment, archives & history, and current fund support uses.

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