All Press is Good Press: NJLA's PR Committee

Worked with NJSL to aquire a statewide press list.

Built PR contacts list for NJ libraries.

Built Outreach kit (tablcloth, general flyers, sign holders, etc.)

Renewed presence at NJLA Conference (multiple programs, social event)

Pitch Box launched, to collect information to pitch to local media on library trends and feelgood stories.

Created promotional materials for Library Card Signup Month (September 2015)

Rebranded Love Your Library month to Your Libraries Love You month (February)

Relaunched Snapshot Day, brought participation back up to original levels.

Produced Social Media lists of State and Federal legislators, organized by district/library

NJ Library presence at statewide events (NJ Pride, Anti-Poverty Summit, NJALL, NJALA) 

Produced Advocacy Calendar.

Goals for Next Year: 
Less talking to membership (that's another committee, isn't it?) and more talking to the public. Broader Snapshot Day participation, with clearer goals. Build a coalition for local non-profit support Faster response to current events (statements, press conferences, etc.)
Reporting Year: 