Executive Board Timeline and Checklist
Before Each Meeting:
Request agenda items and member updates at least two weeks prior to meeting (President)
Email set agenda to listserv one week prior to meeting (President)
During Each Meeting:
Take minutes (Secretary)
Distribute attendance sheet (Secretary)
Circulate snack sign-up sheet (Secretary)
Immediately Following Each Meeting:
Send minutes to Executive Board for approval within one week of meeting date, and then send to listserv and post to Google Drive (Secretary)
Submit information to NJLA Newsletter (President)
Update Google Drive & YA Section website (Secretary, and other members as appropriate and necessary)
Late Summer/Early Fall:
Gather full list of GSTBA nominations (GSTBA Committee)
Cull GSTBA master list (GSTBA Committee)
Request and assign readers (MAL)
Coordinate Youth Services Forum with NJ State Library (President)
Attend annual NJLA Leadership meeting (President, VP)
Help cultivate program proposals and submit where necessary for NJLA Conference (VP)
Submit proposal for GSBA Luncheon in alternating odd-numbered years (President)
Distribute letters alerting publishers of GSTBA ballot titles using NJLA letterhead in print or in email (Secretary)
Proofread and post annotations of ballot titles to website and Google Drive (MAL)
Update and order ballots and post .doc and .pdf to website; update and order past winners and post .doc and .pdf to website and Google Drive (MAL)
Coordinate with the GSTBA committee to arrange for GSBA Luncheon keynote in alternating odd-numbered years (President); Determine who will represent the YA Services Section at the luncheon (President, GSTBA Committee Chairs, coordinate with GSCBA chairs)
Set calendar for upcoming year (President/VP)
Assign facilitators and moderators for Conference programs (VP)
Coordinate travel and payment for all presenters (VP)
Submit book titles for signings (VP)
Organize staffing and stocking of YA Section table (ALL)
Prepare raffle for GSBA Luncheon on odd years
Submit receipts for expenses and honoraria (VP)
Distribute “thank you” notes to all presenters (President)
Post pictures to the website and social media (SMM)