
Welcome to Young Adult Services Section (YASS)!!!

(from L-R Top: Dana, Jason, and Emily. Bottom: Becca, Melaina, Sloane, and Katie)

As members of the Executive Board, we look forward to working with you and other sections/committees of NJLA. YASS has 8 meetings scheduled for the 2024-2025 season from September to April. Meetings are professional development and provide opportunities for Young Adult/Teen librarians and staff serving teens, to discuss topics which include teen advocacy, programming ideas, solutions and more! All NJLA members are welcome to attend our meetings either in person or virtually on Zoom. 

YASS also strives to prepare and present current, quality programming pertaining to teen services at the annual Youth Services Forum (in the fall) and for the NJLA Conference (in the spring). Furthermore, the section reads and evaluates young adult books for inclusion on the Garden State Teen Book Awards ballot, prepares and distributes the ballot, gathers and tallies votes cast by New Jersey teen readers & honors the winners at the Garden State Luncheon held at the NJLA Conference.

We encourage you to join the section. If you're unable to attend a meeting, email any member of the Executive Board. Bring your ideas and suggestions. Meeting dates and Section Minutes can be found using the links on the right.

Show us what you're up to and follow and/or tag us on Instagram @yassnjla or Twitter @NjlaYass

Let's work together for teens in NJ! Thank you.