History & Preservation Meeting Minutes, June 4, 2013

History and Preservation Section

of the New Jersey Library Association

Minutes of the Executive Board

and Member Meeting

June 4, 2013 – New Jersey Library Association Conference, Revel Resort and Casino, Atlantic City


The meeting of the New Jersey Library Association’s History and Preservation Section was called to order at 12:35 p.m. on June 4, 2013. In attendance were Section President Paul Martinez, Vice President/President Elect Jessica Myers, Secretary Danny Klein and Members-at-Large Kim Adams and Carolyn Dorsey.

Also in attendance were members and visitors Fred Pachman, Elsalyn Palmisano, Ken Kaufman, Annamarie Klose, Mary McMahon, Mary Hussey, Tim Corlis, Deb Schiff, Sarah Hull, Gary Saretzky, Janet Birckhead, John Beekman, Chad Leinaweaver, William Fisher, Michele Stricker, Fernanda Perrone and Ron Becker.


Paul opened the meeting and said that he had an agenda for the meeting but did not have time to have any printed.


Paul asked if there were any changes to be made for the minutes. It was pointed out that Mary McMahon was listed as having attended the previous meeting when she did not. Paul moved that the minutes be accepted as changed. John seconded the motion and the minutes were approved as amended


The Bylaws Committee presented the membership with the final revised edition of the Section’s constitution and bylaws for a vote.

Janet pointed out a typo on page one that was corrected.

From the floor came a question asking about the difference between members and members-at-large. “Members” denotes the membership of the Section, while “Members-at-large” refers to the four positions on the Section’s executive board that participate in the decisions of the executive board.

Janet asked if, under Article VIII (Amendments) 30 days was sufficient time to expect a response from members without email. After discussion it was concluded that 30 days was sufficient.

Gary commended the Committee for doing a great job on the bylaws and constitution.

Jessica said she was worried about language in Article IV, Section A (Nominating Committee) regarding the possibility of members not having gone to two consecutive meetings and therefore not be eligible to serve on the Executive Board. After discussion, the language was changed so that prospective candidates need only attend two meetings (non-consecutive) in the previous year to be eligible to run for an Executive Board slot. Gary moved to amend, Janet seconded the motion. The motion was carried by a show of hands.

John asked about the nomination process. Paul said that the College and University Section uses its web site to help select candidates who are then processed through NJLA to make the selections pro forma.

Deb said there was no date tied to the election in the bylaws to take possible Web voting into consideration.

Paul asked for a motion to accept the new constitution and bylaws, John moved and Elsalyn seconded. The vote carried unanimously

Elsalyn moved that the names of the members of the Bylaws Committee should be included on the bylaws and constitution

William asked if a quorum should be mandatory in articles V (Meetings) and VIII (Amendments). Chad said it was easier just to keep it one place. Gary agreed, adding that if you change in one place, you must change it in both places.

Paul moved to accept the change. Mary seconded and the vote carried unanimously.

Deb said the Bylaws Committee would re-evaluate the bylaws and constitution in one year to see if any changes or tweaks were necessary.


New Officers

Paul introduced the nominees for the H&P Section executive board for the incoming year. As there were no other nominees, the slate was automatically elected.

Jessica Myers, president

Danny Klein, vice president/president-elect

Deb Schiff, secretary

Kim Adams, member at-large

Tim Corlis, member at-large

Carolyn Dorsey, member at-large

Ken Kaufman, member at-large

Sarah Hull, Chronicle editor (appointed position)

Jessica asked for suggestions for days of week for meetings to be held. After some discussion it was decided to try and hold the meetings on different days of the week in order to get more people to participate.

Elsalyn thanked Sarah for promptly sending out deadlines for the newsletter. Sarah added that she was looking to put together a calendar of events and so asked people to send her programming announcements.



Sarah said the Plainfield library staff genealogist would be offering July workshops. In August and September there will be additional workshops on working with immigration and military records.

The Morristown and Morris Township Library recently hosted a book launch for Cheryl Turkington’s “Ordinary Days, Extraordinary Times.” Cheryl is the assistant archivist at Morristown’s North Jersey History and Genealogy Center.

Fernanda Perrone said the “New Jersey and the Civil War” exhibition would continue at Rutgers University’s Special Collections until June 7.  

Gary said that Monmouth County would be sponsoring an exhibit of documentary photographer Louise Rosskam, “From Garden State to Garden Apartments.”

Gary also said registration was open for Archives History Day at the Monmouth County Archives. Tables for organizations are available for $18. The theme this year is Prohibition and will feature Rutgers University History Professor Marc Mappen, author of “Prohibition Gangsters: The Rise and Fall of a Bad Generation.”

Janet Birkhead said the exhibit featuring material on nursing at E.C. Hazard Hospital, formerly located in Long Branch, would be extended.



Paul encouraged members to attend the awards ceremony that was taking place that evening from 6 to 8 p.m. The Susan Swartzburg Award will be awarded to Fred Pachman, Director of the Altschul Medical Library at Monmouth Medical Center. Without objections, the meeting was adjourned.

Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 - 12:30pm