Investment Subcommittee

The Scholarship Trust Fund Committee was authorized as a separate committee about 1970. The Investment Subcommittee was formed as a subcommittee in 2006.

Composition: 5 members, one appointed each year by the President for a five year term, plus the NJLA Treasurer and the Chair of the Finance Subcommittee, ex officio. In the case of a vacancy the President shall appoint a replacement to complete the remaining term of office. The Committee shall elect from among its number a Secretary. The President shall designate a Chair of the Committee annually. The Treasurer of the Association shall act as the Treasurer for this committee and hold no other office within it.


  • To manage funds so designated by the Executive Board.
  • To manage the Scholarship Trust Fund. It provides partial scholarships to support candidates for graduate degrees in library and information science.
  • To manage the Development Fund.
  • To manage the Endowment Fund.
  • To accept and acknowledge donations and bequests to the New Jersey Library Association.
  • To advise the Executive Board in the above matters.