YA Section By Laws


Article 1: By-laws

By-laws may be adopted and amended by a vote of a majority of the members in good standing
present at any general business meeting of the Section provided that specific notice of such
change is included in the announcement of that meeting and released to the members of the
Section at least ten days prior to the meeting.

Article 2: Membership

Any member of the New Jersey Library Association may become a member of the Young Adult
Services Section

Article 3: Voting

Each individual member of the Section present at any business meeting is entitled to one vote.
Each individual member of the Section not physically present at any business meeting is entitled
to one vote via virtual meeting. By action of the Executive Board, a vote may be arranged to
secure the opinion of the membership on any subject of interest to the Section.

Article 4: Officers

Nominations will be solicited from the membership prior to the Annual Conference according to
the NJLA timeline. The officers of the Section shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, two
Members-at-Large, and Social Media Manager. There shall be an Executive Board composed of
the elected officers, President, and the immediate Past President of the Section. The Executive
board shall have the power to make decisions for the Section between meetings.

All members of the Young Adult Section are eligible to be nominated to the offices of Secretary,
Social Media Manager, and Member-at-Large. Those who have served on the Executive Board
in some capacity in the past three years are eligible to be nominated to the office of

The Vice-President shall be elected for a three year term to be served in the following manner:
the first year as Vice-President, the second year as President and the third year as Past
President. The two Members-at-Large shall be elected for a term of two years, alternating each
year for one senior and one junior Member-at-Large. The Secretary and Social Media Manager
shall be elected for a term of one year.

The Secretary and two Members-at-Large may be elected to serve on the Executive Board in
the same office for no more than two consecutive years. Under ordinary circumstances, the

Vice-President, President, and Past President shall serve on the Executive Board in the same
office for no more than one year.

Officers shall perform the duties of their offices and such other duties as may be approved by
the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall determine the duties of each office and shall
make these duties known to the officers and to the YA Section membership in writing. In the
unusual circumstance that a member of the Executive Board fails to perform their duties, the
Executive Board shall have the power to fill the vacancy.

The Executive Board shall have the power to fill any vacancy in office, the person so appointed
to serve until June 30th of the current fiscal year. (A fiscal year runs from July 1 through June

Article 5: Meetings
There shall be at least two meetings of the Section each year. Other meetings and/or
workshops may be held at the direction of the President in collaboration with the Executive
Board whenever necessary or desirable.

For the transaction of business, the members in attendance constitute a quorum at any regular
or special meeting. Decisions will be determined by majority rule.

Meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President at such time and place as they
may designate or may also be called if requested by a majority of the Board. Three members of
the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. All members of the Executive Board, whether
serving as elected, appointed, or ex-officio members, shall have equal rights and privileges.

Article 6: Committees

Special Committees, which, in the opinion of the Executive Board, seem desirable or necessary,
may be appointed for a specific purpose by the President at any time during their term of office.
The President of the Section shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

By-laws revised by the Young Adult Services Section Executive Board September 20, 2024