H&P Meeting Apr 4, 2002

Section elections are coming up in March or April. New officers begin their positions on July 1, 2022. If anyone is interested in serving in any positions for the upcoming year we'd love to have you, please contact me at bzakcohen@npl.org ASAP (See more below the Read More) We are planning a general meeting for April 4, 2022 at 2 PM. Here is the Zoom link: https://npl-org.zoom.us/j/89607825738?pwd=Ri9ndEY0QW5EbFZwbDBjTXBqRXNDdz09 . Please mark your calendars!


We do hope that some of our current members will stay in their positions but here are some positions that may be available and what they do (in summary. Check the bylaws for full duties http://njlamembers.org/hpsection) :

VICE PRESIDENT: Plans programming including the conference. Heads the Program Committee.

SECRETARY: Takes minutes at meetings.

MEMBER AT LARGE: Supportive, has vote to act for the Section between meetings and to fill officer vacancies.

SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATER: Posts on social media pages for H&P. Reports on posting.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR: Plans professional development activities for H&P.

If any of these sound of interest please do reach out!