Member Services Annual Report
Submitted by esolomon on Wed, 05/04/2016 - 1:12pm
Increased our outreach and membership efforts. We are on track to make the President's goal of 1700 members in 2015-2016:
- Represented NJLA at the SCI Career Expo
- Recruiting academics conversation with Pat Tumulty, James Keehbler, and Heather Dalal at Rider University
- Revised publicity flyers for personal and institutional membership
- Collaborated with the Executive Board to increase renewals for institutional members
Hosted two social events: Glasswoods Tavern (New Brunswick) and iPlay America (raised $80 for NJLA).
Proposal to switch to rolling membership was approved by the Executive Board.
Launched new dues structure which now has a membership category for those with an annual salary of $0 to $25,000.
Reduced paper mailings, and rather than having three full paper renewal mailings, we utilized postcards and Mail Chimp emails.
Updated the 25-year member gift. This year, 25-year members will be receiving a bookmark. (see picture)
Partnered with MentorNJ for various programs and events, including In-Person Networking Event (October 2, 2015) and Conference programs.
Continuing to adapt to the new CiviCRM membership database and learning how to generate reports.
Reported at two Executive Board meetings (August 2015 and April 2016)
Collaborated with the Leadership and Education Subcommittee to create videos for the Career Development Facilitator project. Committee members worked on the following topics: Introduction to Public Libraries, Introduction to Cover Letters, and Transferrable Skills.
Transitioned to new NJLA logo on membership forms and flyers.
Year 2 of the New Member Survey
As part of NJLA's Strategic Plan, conducted outreach to NJALA and changed the language on our forms and announcements to be more inclusive.
Co-sponsored a poster at the VALE conference (January 2016)
Sponsoring the following Conference programs and events: Librarian Mixer & Trivia Night, Resume Review and Mock Interview Station, Getting to Yes: Tips for Selling Your Ideas to the People Who Matter, New Librarian Mixer & Student Mixer - Meet the Mentors, Pool Party, Patron-Employee Interactions - When Things Get Volatile
Other Notes:
Maryjean Bakaletz, our intern, was a great asset to our Committee. She was always willing to take on responsibilities, whether it was taking minutes, sharing information with Rutgers, or brainstorming ways to increase membership. Maryjean also arranged for NJLA to be represented at the SC&I Career and Internship Expo at Rutgers. She really took charge from arranging with Rutgers for NJLA to get a table to organizing all of the details for the event (volunteers, display board, handouts).
Reporting Year:
Report Submitted By::
Lynn Schott and Erica Krivopal (Co-Chairs)