Emerging Technologies Annual Report

I'll admit we had a rather lackluster year. While I feel like we accomplished quite a bit at the conference, we had quite a few successful programs. I did have trouble getting people together to meet, which meant activities throughout the year were minimal. The positive outcome of this was sending my own feedback form after the conference. I was able to get quite a few people to respond and I feel this has helped renew our direction and helped plant our feet more firmly in what we want to accomplish.

Goals for Next Year: 
Now that I have people responding and attending meeting I think next year will be a big year for us. Apart from the conference we have ideas on doing an ET forum similar to ASF or YSF, I've had quite a few people tell me they would support that idea. We also want to start working with other sections to do a lot of how-to guides as resources for librarians. We have a lot of awesome people doing great stuff and I want to give people the opportunity to share it. Along with the how to guide I want to work on creating best practices guidelines for libraries to make sure staff is up to speed on the basics of what they need to know. (Too many ref libs lack confidence to help with questions they are receiving) and I believe we can make steps to address this.
Reporting Year: 