NJLA YA Section Annual Report

The Young Adult Section had another productive year.  This year, one of our goals was to expand the scope of our meetings by holding additional meetings in North and South Jersey, which were at Warren Library and Cherry Hill Public Library respectively.  These meetings were successful and we reached more members that did not normally attend our meetings at the South Brunswick Library.  We also incorporated more time for open forum at our meetings, which proved to be a great resource for all.  We also had 5 programs presented at conference and 1 program presented at pre-conference.  We once again had a large amount of readers for the Garden State Teen Book Awards.  This year, we had 39 readers total.  

Goals for Next Year: 
We are hoping to have further collaboration with the Children's Services Section and also reaching out to more members throughout the state. We hope to reach even more librarians than this year.
Reporting Year: 