Committee Events
Professional Development Committee Events
For additional Committee Events recorded in 2020-2016, please click here.
NJLA Virtual Keynotes are a unique benefit of NJLA membership, and registration is limited to members of NJLA and NJASL.
Title: Social Media 101 & Alternative Marketing Strategies for Libraries
Date/Time: Tuesday, March 19th 2024 at 3pm
Location: Online via Zoom
Description: Jasmine Riel (Teen Librarian) from the Cherry Hill Public Library will provide an overview of social media specific to libraries (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Threads, TikTok, X). She manages all of the social media and marketing materials for the CHPL Teen Services Department. She will share what marketing strategies they use for specific audiences. Learn how to use Constant Contact for your email and newsletter campaigns and develop targeted lists. Get tips on promoting your library programs to patrons who may not be active on social media. Gain some new ideas and tips and tricks for your library and engage your community! Q&A to follow.
Title: Turning Tinted Pages: A Conversation and Celebration of Black Librarians & Library Workers
Date/Time: Friday, February 5, 2021, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Location: Online via Zoom
Description: Gain a better understanding of the history and present state of library employment for Black librarians and library workers, and learn ways that each of us can promote and support diversity in library staffing. This presentation will include a slideshow on the history of Black librarianship, a moderated panel with question and answer period, and a break out session. Topics discussed will include barriers to employment and advancement for Black library workers, support systems, self care, and more.
- Jade Mapp, Literacy Specialist, Hoboken Public Library
- Christal Blue, Branch Manager, Somerset County Library System
- Lisa Richardson Hall, School Library Assistant, Lawrenceville HS
- Ayoola White, Emerging Technology Librarian, Jersey City Free Public Library
- Deadra Boardman, Youth Services Librarian, Somerset County Library System
- NJLA Librarians of Color Roundtable
- NJLA Diversity & Outreach Committee
- NJLA Professional Development Committee
- NJLA CUS/ACRL-NJ Anti-Racism Taskforce
- Keisha Miller, Teen Librarian & Volunteer Coordinator, South Orange Public Library
- Carina Gonzalez, Adult Services Librarian, Piscataway Public Library
Host: Theresa Agostinelli
Tech Coordinator: Selwa Shamy
- Presentation file
- Resources Document
- Presentation Recording (start 44 seconds in)
NJLA Virtual Keynote
Library Services During COVID-19 Revisited
Date/time: Friday, September 11th, 10am-11am
Location: Online via Zoom
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in many ways, but the role of libraries has remained unchanged. In this webinar, you will learn how the panelists are continuing to meet the needs of their communities during this challenging time. Topics will include staffing and workplace concerns, communication with the community, physical library services, and more. As a result of this program, you will gain strategies for providing services to your stakeholders, and learn about resources and safety precautions that can be adapted for use by your library.
- Jeffrey Trzeciak, Jersey City Public Library
- C.L. Quillen,Director, Spotswood Public Library
- Joan Serpico, Director, Moorestown Public Library
- Corey Fleming, Director, Paterson Free Public Library
- Ana E. Fontoura, University Librarian, Fairleigh Dickinson University
NJLA Professional Development Committee
NJLA Virtual Keynote
Get Out the Vote!
Date: Thursday, August 27th
Time: 10am-11am
Location: Online via Zoom
Libraries can play a crucial role in encouraging all eligible community members to exercise their right and responsibility to vote. During this presentation, panelists will educate attendees about the voting process, and share examples of how to encourage community members to become informed citizens and to vote. Speakers will include a representative from the League of Women Voters, an, academic librarian, a public librarian, and two school library media specialists.
- Jennifer Sulligan, Somerset County Library System
- Suzanne Kosempel, Adjunct Librarian, Raritan Valley Community College
- Donna Ward, Voter Service Chair, the League of Women Voters
- Debra Gottsleben-DeLaney, SLMS Information and Digital Literacy, Morristown High School
- Anne Piascik, School Library Media Specialist, Morristown High School
NJLA Professional Development Committee
Coordinator & Moderator: Theresa Agostinelli
Tech Admin: Selwa Shamy

Date/time: Wednesday, July 1, 2021, from 11am-12:30pm
- Lena Gluck, Reference, Newark Public Library
- Ayoola White, Reference, Newark Public Library
- Reggie Blanding, James Brown African American Room, Newark Public Library
- Myna Morales, Director of Leadership Development and Partnerships for Massachusetts Coalition of Domestic Workers
NJLA Virtual Keynote
The Role of Libraries in NJ’s Road to Economic Recovery
Thursday, June 18th, 11am-12pm
Password: 8a@H6G78
Password: 8a@H6G78
Program Description: The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated our economy with unprecedented levels of unemployment, small business closures, limited service options for businesses, and more. During this virtual panel presentation, you will learn about programs, services, and collaborations in libraries that are supporting individual job seekers, unemployed workers seeking benefits, and small businesses. There will be a brief question and answer period at the end of this program. The goal of this program is to share ideas and to offer inspiration - not to offer specific guidelines for libraries to follow.
- Tonya Garcia, Director, Long Branch Public Library
- Dr. Marie L. Radford, Chair and Professor of Library & Information Science, Rutgers University
- Karen Pifher, Manager of Young Minds and Family Resources, Somerset County Library System
- Carolann DeMatos, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Somerset County Library System
- Jennifer Heise, Part Time Digital Literacy Trainer & Ref. Librarian
Moderator & Coordinator: Theresa Agostinelli