Urban Libraries
The Urban Libraries Section contimues to be comprised of passionate and dedicated librarians working against enormous odds to address issues that are no longer just 'urban,' but universal. Homelessness, tight budgets, aging buildings, joblessness are issues and needs facing all of us, and while the UL section does not purport to have an answer to any of these issues, by gathering together on a monthly basis, we sustain ourselves with suggestions and recommendations, cooperation and good humor. This year our section worked with Diversity & Outreach to develop a liaison with Rutgers University School of Social Work to bring social work interns into public libraries. Together we created a brochure promoting this opportunity. At other meetings we hosted a NJ Cybersecurity Unit analyst; the Executive Director of Literacy New Jersey; and one of our own speaking on the disenfranchisement of incarcerated women.
At the Annual Conference we collected heaps and heaps of clean, servicable clothing that residents of Covenant House could either wear to job interviews or sell to earn funds to support their program.