History and Preservation

History and Preservation Section

We had four meetings for the 2015/2016 year.

July 2016: Our first meeting was held at the Trenton Public Library, where the New Jersey Office of Historic Preservation gave a presentation on their collections.

October 2016: Our second meeting was at the Monmouth County Archives, where we participated in Transportation Day, attending several lectures and a tour of the facility.

Chronicle deadline June 26

Submissions for the next issue of The Chronicle are due on Monday, June 26, 2017
Please send me news and articles about your collections and exhibits, updates about your history & preservation programs and projects, and announcements about upcoming events.  Photos are encouraged.
Special thanks to Sarah Hull for her excellent work as editor of The Chronicle for many years and for her assistance as I transition into this new role.
Best regards,

New Chronicle issue drops!

The latest issue of The Chronicle is now available online through the NJLA Members site.

Thanks to everyone who contributed!


H&P @ NJLA 2017!!!

Here are the programs the History & Preservation section will have at NJLA this year! 

Historic Maps in Public Libraries -- Tuesday, April 25, 3:10-4 p.m.
Moderator: Danny Klein, Jersey City Free Public Library
Panelists: John Beekman, Jersey City Free Public Library; Deb Schiff, Chester Public Library


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