History and Preservation

The Chronicle Has Arrived


The spring issue of The Chronicle has been revised to include a wonderful article from New Brunswick Free Public Library Archive that was inadvertently omitted in the first edition. 

The revised version of The Chronicle can be found here: http://njlamembers.org/sites/njlamembers.org/files/Chronicle%20Spring%20...




Hello All,

UPCOMING PROGRAM : MAY 3, 2022: The Historical and Cultural Context of the War in Ukraine

UPCOMING PROGRAM : MAY 3, 2022: The Historical and Cultural Context of the War in Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been at least as much about history as about geopolitics. This war doesn't just have historical causes; it is a war about the historical narrative itself—one that goes back many centuries. This talk will present an introduction to this history, along with an overview of Ukraine's diverse cultural and linguistic landscape. Speaker: Michael Andrec. 

Exhilarating Zines: Zines in NJ Libraries

NJLA Program Focus: Preconference Event

Exhilarating Zines: Zines in NJ Libraries

Interested in learning about zines or would you like to find out about creating your own? See attached flyer and links for more information on our co-sponsored preconference program at NJLA.

Submissions for the Chronicle Open Until May 10

Please consider sharing your organization's experiences promoting/preserving its local history collection with the members of the NJLA History & Preservation Section via the section's newsletter, The Chronicle.  

You may wish to highlight virtual programs, social media engagement, in-person displays, special projects, etc. Also, let us know if you have any upcoming events, webinars, updates about grants or local history-related news.

Next H & P Section Meeting scheduled during NJLA Conference

Making your plans to attend the NJLA Conference in June?

Don't miss the H & P Section meeting during the conference.

Thursday, June 2, 2022, 12:00-12:45 PM

More details to follow. Hope to see you there!

Celebrate Preservation Week ! Co-Sponsored program featuring speakers Janette Pardo and Deb Schiff

Celebrate Preservation Week this month!

April 24-30

To find out more about events or activities near you, visit https://preservationweek.org/



The CAPES Archival Consulting Program: CAPES Is Here to Help! with Deb Schiff and Janette Pardo

This program is cosponsored by H&P, MARAC and PPG.

April 27, 2022, 1pm via Zoom

H&P Meeting Apr 4, 2002

Section elections are coming up in March or April. New officers begin their positions on July 1, 2022. If anyone is interested in serving in any positions for the upcoming year we'd love to have you, please contact me at bzakcohen@npl.org ASAP (See more below the Read More) We are planning a general meeting for April 4, 2022 at 2 PM. Here is the Zoom link: https://npl-org.zoom.us/j/89607825738?pwd=Ri9ndEY0QW5EbFZwbDBjTXBqRXNDdz09 . Please mark your calendars!


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