History and Preservation

H&P / MARAC NJ Joint Meeting

There will be an H&P and MARAC NJ Caucus Joint Meeting on Jan 9th 2023 at 10 AM.

Zoom link: https://npl-org.zoom.us/j/86225974033?pwd=dERtSWpOeWl1RWlFUFYyQ1dMdTNEUT09

Please plan to attend if you are able. We will discuss updates for both organizations.


Thank you,


Beth Zak-Cohen, H&P President

October Meeting and Event

Please save the date!

We will have our first meeting of the year on Oct 4, 2022 at 2 PM.

We will have a presentation with Lindsey Wittwer and Anibal Arocho from the Center for Puerto Rican Studies on October 4, 2022 at 3pm after the meeting. For more information about the Center for Puerto Rican Studies visit this link: http://centropr.hunter.cuny.edu

The Chronicle Has Arrived

Hello All,

The summer issue of The Chronicle is ready for viewing.


Thank you to everyone who contributed!

All the best,



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